The negative sequences of numerology and their effects

negative sequences in numerology

Did you know that numerology interprets some sequences of numbers as being negative? The negative sequences of numerology may have bad results in our daily lives. The truth, is that the numbers accompany us from the day we are born and influence our daily lives. Beginning with the date of birth, a set of numbers that individualize us, that influence spiritual, emotional and intellectual life.

If we know which numbers define us, everything makes more sense. Numerologists say that a person’s character is directly related to the name, and that the date of birth reveals our destiny.

Numerology can also help in the perception and better understanding of our personality, the way we go through life, the energies we attract and how to face new challenges.

How are the negative sequences of numerology formed?

It’s in the numerology of the name, that the main negative issues are reflected. When doing an inverted triangle, repetitions of three numbers or more may appear. The energies generated by the repetition of negative sequences in numerology can cause various problems, according to the vibrations of each person. To calculate the numerology of the name, different calculations can be made: adding only the vowels gives us a reading about the more emotional side of the person, adding only the consonants relates us to the public personality.

It’s not rare to have completely opposite interiors and exteriors. To calculate it, it’s necessary to assign a letter to each number. They must all be added together until they are only one-digit. The only exceptions are 11 and 22 because they are considered master numerology numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




For example, ANA SOUSA = 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 1.

Negative sequences in numerology may be responsible for various problems, block. To be withdrawn requires a Signature Agreement, basically a change in the legal name, created by a professional for each person, through personal analysis based on goals and personality.

When is the sequence negative?

For a sequence to be considered negative, three numbers must be consecutively repeated. When the repetition is greater than three, the negativity may be more pronounced. Sequences are negative when we come across 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and so on. When constructing an inverted triangle of numbers, one must pay attention to the repetition of these sequences.

Consequences of a negative sequence

  • Lack of initiative: the person has difficulty in physically moving, in finding motivation, not only physical but also mental. It can result in long periods of unemployment, for example;
  • Low self-esteem: inability to make decisions, shyness, lack of self-esteem. Feelings that limit a person’s dream goals;
  • Difficulties communicating: these people are misunderstood, they don’t have the ability to communicate their wishes;
  • Obstacles in the working life: blockages that can lead to poor pay, career failure, failure to keep a job for an extended period of time;
  • Little financial or emotional stability: professionals highs and lows that strongly disrupt one’s self-esteem and financial standing;
  • Blocks in sentimental life: the person may be constantly being betrayed and disillusioned by relatives, companions and coworkers;
  • Intolerance and fear: the person moves away from everything and everyone. This isolation results in several psychological illnesses.


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Júlia Rocha

Gestora e criadora de conteúdos para marcas, com paixão por grandes histórias. Nunca sai de casa sem papel e caneta, e adora longas viagens.