Summer of passion: easy and quick love spells

easy and quick love spells

Love is always a popular theme in the world of spells. Now that we enter the summer season, and passion flows in the air, we want to give you three quick and easy love spells.


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Do you want to attract someone, get the attention of a special person, strengthen the bonds of a relationship or put an end to jealousy? These easy and quick love spells are for you. Each one fulfills a purpose, and each one is also special in its own way.

When putting a spell into practice, remember that maintaining a positive attitude is essential. An open and receptive mind, a believing and grateful spirit, is very important, so that the ritual may unfold without problems.

Try them!

Medo e insegurança quanto ao seu futuro?

Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.

Tenha as respostas que necessita com a ajuda de uma vidência Angelical personalizada!

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3 easy and quick love spells

The spell of the banana

To reinforce an already existing but somewhat worn relationship, try the banana spell. You will need a banana, honey, sugar, paper and ballpoint pen, and a hair scrunchy. Cut the banana by its length. Spread the honey and sugar in both halves, just inside.

On a white piece of paper, write the name of the person you love. Place the folded paper between the two halves of the banana and fix them with the scrunchy. Leave the banana in a closed container for three days.

Spell against jealousy

This spell must be celebrated on a Friday. You will need an empty glass, a sufficient amount of soil to fill it and salt (a spoonful). Again, you should write the name of the jealous person on a white piece of paper. It could be yours or your average face.

Put the paper in the glass, fill with the earth and pour over the salt. Place the glass under the bed, where it should remain overnight. The next morning, simply pour all the contents in a garden or in a larger potted plant.

Reconquest spell

Do this spell when you want to recover someone or rekindle the flame of a relationship. You will need rings that you use regularly, a red ribbon, a rose of the same color, a saucer and a candle.

Write on the ribbon, with a visible pen, your name and the name of the person you want to recover. Then use this ribbon to tie the rings and place them on a saucer next to the candle to burn them.

Around the saucer, distribute the red rose petals. Meditate for a few moments next to the candle, think about the person you want and love and the happiness it brings. Let the candle burn and melt completely. Then, you can throw away the petals and the ribbon and use the other objects as usual

Which of these easy and quick love spells will be most useful to you?


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Júlia Rocha

Gestora e criadora de conteúdos para marcas, com paixão por grandes histórias. Nunca sai de casa sem papel e caneta, e adora longas viagens.