Meditation for planning the future: prepare tomorrow

meditação planear o futuro

Through meditation we experience an inner beauty that makes us rethink ourselves and everything around us. Learn how to plan the future with the help of meditation.


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There are times when the stress and bustle of everyday life is such that we just want to go home, close our eyes and completely disconnect from the world. This exercise can be done through meditation.

Meditation develops a progressive ability to concentrate, by focusing all our energy on one thought, object or activity.

As we reflect more deeply, we easily find that our thoughts, fears and desires control our emotions and hamper realization.

Medo e insegurança quanto ao seu futuro?

Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.

Tenha as respostas que necessita com a ajuda de uma vidência Angelical personalizada!

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In order to plan a better future and achieve our goals, we need to be able to refrain from the fears and negative thoughts that haunt us, and focus on our achievements and motivations. It is in this process that meditation serves as an help. Find out how!

Meditation for planning the future

Take a break from life and identify how are you feeling about your current moment: how are your emotions, feelings and thoughts. Think about how they are break your life and stop you from getting what you want.

After self-analyzing yourself, meditate on what you want to accomplish and prepare a better tomorrow. How?

  • Sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply three times and feel your body relax.
  • Now inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds and massage your feet.
  • Exhale, hold and inhale again. Hold your breath again and this time massage your legs.
  • Exhale again, hold and rise to the hips. Gradually relax each part of your body, changing and holding your breath until you reach the head.
  • Once you have recognized your entire body, relax and focus only on your breathing. Empty the mind – it only exists at this moment;
  • As long as you find it necessary, still with your eyes closed, ask yourself what would be good for your future and bring to your mind the joy that this thought brings. Without realizing it, your emotions are changing.

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Do this whenever you want and feel it is necessary. Specially when you are sad or worried about the future. The important thing is to do this with regularity to achieve ever deeper levels of relaxation.

Change your vision and thinking about what you want to accomplish and remember: your future is in your hands, it’s up to you.

Propose to think, feel and believe the best for your future life!

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Sara Gonçalves

Comunicadora por natureza, tem três grandes paixões: as pessoas, a escrita e a música. Motivada pela ânsia de aprender sempre mais, é uma pessoa de desafios e acredita muito no lado bom da vida.