Número 1 - Número de Vida

Soul of artist and peace maker is what best characterizes the way of being of those who have the number 2 as their life number. Your happiness comes from your inner peace and calm, intimate and personal joys. Your mind is usually serene.


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He is sensitive and shy. These characteristics can be your strengths or weaknesses as you have a great sensitivity to deal with your feelings and those around you. Your sensitivity can prevent your talents from standing out.

Intuitively knows what other people want or feel and can be extremely diplomatic. He is patient and cooperative. He works well as a team and is a key element in creating harmony between the group’s different opinions.

They stand out more in the development of tendencies that were once already created and manifested by other people, rather than creating new ones themselves.

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Enjoys music, poetry and has a great sensitivity to the beauty of what surrounds them.
Has talent for alternative therapies and everything related to them such as massage, acupuncture or counseling.

Has a keen sense of humor and everyone around him has a tendency to look for their ability to emanate calm.

When you find your haven, you have all the capacity and intelligence to succeed. Look for works where your sensitivity is revealed – it is a binding agent and a peacemaker for those around you.

Numerology Number 2 — Main features

  • Main qualities: Sense of balance and justice, empathy, collaboration, tact, courtesy and strong diplomacy.
  • Main weaknesses: Fear, lack of self-confidence, lack of prudence.
  • Favorable professional areas: Diplomacy, Politics, Law, Religion, Architecture, Education. Even in Philosophy these people will be able to show their best.

Numerology Number 2 — Some notes

  • They should avoid positions of responsibility, command and decisions. Authority is not the strong point of this person, standing out more in positions of diplomacy, tact and courtesy and functions that encompass all this.
  • They should avoid rash decisions, their mistakes are usually the result of a lack of prudence.

Em destaque no My mystic land

  • Sabia que o novo ano trará desafios e obstáculos para os quais devemos estar preparados de forma a retirar o melhor que tem para dar? A pensar em si, o My mystic land preparou doze Guias Astrais para o ajudar a entender esta nova etapa da sua vida. Saber Mais »

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