Número 1 - Número de Vida

Who has Life Number 1 is a born leader. Always fights for what’s right to build its own ideas and demands freedom of thought and action. You are a determined person. Do not let anything or anyone stop you from achieving your goals. You work hard and you don’t place yourself limits to achieve what you desire.


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Take a stand against those around you. It demands respect and attention and you get easily irritated when important things do not go as you’ve planned. You are impatient with both your weaknesses and those of others. If, on the other hand, you are patient, you always reach everything you want.

These are usually very creative people. Their approach to problems is unique and has the courage to take unseen directions.

They very concerned about their status and feeds an appearance of success and self-realization. Your need to look good is driving you to work to achieve success, and growth. Appreciate the good things in life.

However, you must pay attention to your sense of selfishness, vanity, and extreme concern with appearance, as well as to guard against excessively zealous and aggressive behavior. Failure to control these characteristics can become vengeful or aggressive and overbearing.

It becomes more efficient when working in your own business. Ideally you should own your own company and be your own boss.

Watch your diet and keep a physical exercise plan you like. Sports involving competition such as running and swimming are a good option, given their nature. Remember that your talents and abilities are a gift from a superior source that should promote gratitude and humility rather than pride and vanity.

Numerology Number 1 — Main features

  • Main qualities: Independence, taste for innovation, initiative.
  • Main weaknesses: Egocentrism, authoritarism, obstinacy, impatience.
  • Favorable professional areas: Business management or Sales in any activity, Entertainment production, Military service, Aviation.

Any position of supremacy and where you can express your thoughts and decisions autonomously. Most likely to develop their own business.

Numerology Number 1 — Some notes

  • They should always try to stand in the front row and make decisions autonomously, regardless of the advice of third parties when deciding.
  • They should establish methods, autonomous tactics and independent judgments,
  • They should seek not to repeat and always maintain, at all costs, the guiding position in any situation of their life.

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