The person governed by Life Number 4 is practical, has their feet are firmly on the ground and strong ideas about what is right and wrong are on their mind. Organized and orderly, systematic and controlled. They are very methodic, employing step-by-step a rational approach to solving problems. When they commit to something, they do not give up easily.
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Does not align in schemes to enrich quickly – prefers to bet on hard work to build a company or a career. He prefers to build a solid foundation. The love he feeds for his work often leads him to embrace a career too soon.
Tenacious and persevering, has great potential for success, but only after a great effort and overcoming the limitations that tehy encounter frequently.
Justice and honesty are essential for this person. He is loyal to those who love and know how to work as a team. Read the money cautiously, as if it were an egg nest.
Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.
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Because of its methodical nature it can easily cling to conventions. You can also exercise extreme caution when changes are needed, which can cause you to waste opportunities that may arise.
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