The pig sign

Chinese Zodiac

The Pig

The Sign Pig marks the end of a cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Contrary to the negative reputation in the western world, in China, they ar...

The dog sign

Chinese Zodiac

The Dog

The Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese zodiac cycle. Those born in the year of the sign Dog have, as strengths, loyalty, and honest...

The rooster sign

Chinese Zodiac

The Rooster

The Sign Rooster marks the tenth year of the Chinese Zodiac cycle. The people of the Sign Rooster are observant, fun and popular. ...

Chinese Zodiac

The Monkey

The ninth sign of the Chinese Zodiac cycle is the sign Monkey. A sign marked by charm, energy, activity, and stimulation.   ...

Chinese Zodiac

The Goat

The Sign Goat is the eighth sign of the Chinese Horoscope. It is a creative and esoteric sign, who needs to spend time alone. &nbs...

Chinese Zodiac

The Horse

The Horse is the seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac cycle. A sign marked by the energy it possesses and the pleasure of traveling. ...