
Weekly Horoscope Aries – January 13 to 19

This is going to be a week full of challenges for the natives of Aries. The end of it will be marked by the passage of Mars by Saturn in Capricorn. If you are an impulsive person, you will encounter obstacles that you can not overcome alone. Recognize and work on strategies to work around these problems. Check the weekly predictions for Aries – January 13 to 19.


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This is a pretty harmonious week for love. Venus is in conjunction with Mars, which translates into improved relationships. Other people are going to feel like approaching you. The native of Aries is going to be particularly irresistible. Remember to pamper who is important.


Creativity also marks the professional week. You will feel like a winner, in your ideas and projects, to share with the team. Read everything twice before sending an e-mail or making a proposal. Productivity breaks a bit in the middle of the week. If you feel the need, take more breaks.


Family, friends and other fun distractions will leave you distracted and a bit disorganized. These issues can have a negative effect on the savings and the financial organization you have established. You will have to recover, later.

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The natives of Aries are, of course, ambitious people who need immediate results. Sometimes, you can forget about the small pleasures of life, even its influence on your healthy routine. Do not let yourself be controlled by the pressure of the results.

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