
Weekly Horoscope Libra – January 13 to 19

During this week, the ruler of Libra, Venus will enter into harmony with Mars. This type of influence is highly beneficial on a romantic level. An almost euphoric state is established. You will spend a week with people who motivate you to be better, but do not forget friends who are going through difficulties. Check the weekly prediction for Libra – January 13 to 19.


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You may have some difficulty reaching a break-even point during this week. Sometimes, too much romance can even have negative consequences. Be careful and diplomatic. The attention he gives to important people in his life, in romantic terms, must be, in the first place, for the benefit of them.


Volunteer to do a new task at the beginning of the week. Even if you have to change your schedule, adjust this project to your day to day. Intellectually, you need this challenge, and your professional image will improve a lot. For long-term things.


If you work on your own or at home, a window of opportunity for new earnings will open during this week. Strive to cleanse your work environment, both physically and spiritually, so as not to disturb those positive energies.

Medo e insegurança quanto ao seu futuro?

Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.

Tenha as respostas que necessita com a ajuda de uma vidência Angelical personalizada!

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Accumulating anxieties and afflictions will only make your health worse. Take care of yourself, control your impulses and try to relax. Try to prolong the good time of the previous weeks, to stay strong, in the body and in the mind.

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  • Sabia que o novo ano trará desafios e obstáculos para os quais devemos estar preparados de forma a retirar o melhor que tem para dar? A pensar em si, o My mystic land preparou doze Guias Astrais para o ajudar a entender esta nova etapa da sua vida. Saber Mais »

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