Número 1 - Número de Vida

The word that best characterizes Number of Life 5 is: freedom. They love traveling, adventure, diversity and meeting new people. It is said that it is the number that looks in two absolutely different directions with the same intensity, warning that it is necessary to adapt to the vicissitudes of life.


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It is extremely curious and will have longevity to experience everything in life. Loves to get involved in multiple things at the same time, so they do not feel trapped in anything specific. Loves change, different things and new horizons.

It is extremely sociable and makes friends easily and their optimistic personality is able to attract and inspire people from all walks of life. People quite different from each other.

Sometimes they are not disciplined or orderly. Other times act on impulse which makes them say things they do not want and act in a way that will make them regret it later.

Sometimes they do not control their desires for freedom and need for adventure, which makes them inclined to engage in addictions. They find it difficult to get involved in a stable relationship, but if they make a commitment, it can be very faithful.

They have many talents and abilities. However, discipline and concentration are the basis of their success. Without these, many of the tasks you start, will never be finished and they will lose the notion of the true fruits of your abilities.

As a child, it may have been a source of concern to adults and their families. In order to keep their body nimble and fit, try to maintain a physical exercise program. The flexibility and durability of their bodies will promote security and confidence within them. With respect to work, because it values ​​too much freedom, a situation of self-employment is the most appropriate.

Numerology Number 5 — Main features

  • Main qualities: Versatility, creativity, insight.
  • Main weaknesses: Impulsiveness, impatience, rebellion.
  • Favorable professional areas: Literature, Sales, Travel, Linguistics, Criminology, Education, Psychology, Communication Technologies.
    It expresses itself well and manages to persuade others with relative ease. Sales, advertising, advertising, promotions, politics, as well as any other profession in which you have to use your gifts of communication and understanding are indicated for you.

Numerology Number 5 — Some notes

  • If you have this number as your number ought to live, you must prepare for rapid and sudden changes in your life and know how to adapt to them. Life is in constant movement and evolution.
  • It should avoid anchoring in a single port, following in full freedom all the changes in the environment that will reach it.
  • It will be beneficial for these people to develop foreign languages ​​early on and to mingle with people of different nationalities of their own.
  • You should still keep your eyes wide open and be aware of all opportunities that arise, accepting them and not fearing to change.
  • It is not limited to one activity, distributing its energy through various areas.
  • Avoid, at last, losing your sense of humor: life does not always run as we expect. Learn to adapt and laugh.

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