
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope – April 11th to 17th

Capricorn natives are not attracted to the ease of life. They have an enviable work ethic, facing reality as it is and overcoming obstacles with success and willpower.


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This is one of those weeks where some challenges and obstacles can pile up. Despite always being responsive to everything, especially in the professional field, this week can be too much for the Capricorn native. Try to associate with people who work at the same pace and who maintain similar ethics. Consult the weekly horoscope.

Love Predictions

If you’re single, let yourself be surprised by the people you’ve attracted. Don’t forget that opposites really attract and it’s better late than never. The last days of the week are an excellent time to socialize, and for those who are in a relationship some distance can be extremely beneficial.

Work Predictions

In your workplace, change is in the air. Start calculating the risks and benefits that a change of premises or station can represent for you. Beware of money issues and office policies. It only takes a small malfunction in a computer for someone to lose their temper.

Medo e insegurança quanto ao seu futuro?

Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.

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Finance Predictions

If you’ve been considering going ahead and starting a business on your own, this might be the best time to do so. A change of scenery may be what you need to put your creativity to work and develop your business in the best way. However, pay attention to the relationship between earnings and expenses and find the balance point.

Health Predictions

You are feeling much better now than you have in the last few months. Physical exercise has more benefits than I expected. Use this as motivation and don’t be tempted to slow down. Consistent physical activity will help you relax and reduce anxiety levels.

Em destaque no My mystic land

  • Sabia que o novo ano trará desafios e obstáculos para os quais devemos estar preparados de forma a retirar o melhor que tem para dar? A pensar em si, o My mystic land preparou doze Guias Astrais para o ajudar a entender esta nova etapa da sua vida. Saber Mais »

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