
Leo Weekly Horoscope – April 11th to 17th

The Leo zodiac sign reflects the force of life and the joy of living. Like the animal that represents it, the figure of the Lion symbolizes strength, human authority and power. They are one of the proudest signs of the Zodiac.


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You are in a strong moment in terms of conveying your personality and understanding the direction you want to go. The obstacles that may arise will be professional. While you are in a period where you prefer to look to the future, others prefer to be stuck in old routines and tradition. Be patient when dealing with them, they will be able to reach a compromise that everyone likes. Consult the weekly horoscope for Leo.

Love Predictions

The week is definitely going to be romantic, and always in positive terms. Ask your friends for help to solve love issues, they will present you with new ideas and perspectives to apply in your relationship. By the end of the week things will start to go better and you will feel extra confident. If you are single, leave the house to conquer.

Work Predictions

Don’t forget to put your more patient side into practice. Your more dynamic half will want to get into conflicts and arguments, but don’t give in. It is very important to manage emotions and conflicts, so that the projects you are working on come to fruition. Even if your area of ​​business is completely different, you will have to exercise some PR power in this context.

Finance Predictions

This week is conditioned by the need to make the most of the circumstances that present themselves in your life. You are in a period particularly favored by luck and will impress someone with financial power, which should be a contact to keep for future opportunities.

Health Predictions

He wants to have fun and he states that need with pride. The only way to stay healthy while having fun socially is to join a gym or any other physical activity. You will reap benefits from successful group interaction. Join your friends who share similar dreams and goals.

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