Spells for the Year’s end: Luck in money and work

Spells for the Year's end

When the end of the year is approaching and a new year is coming, it’s time to start a new period with renewed energy, luck and positive feelings. Learn how to use spells for the Year’s end to increase the dreams you want to realize and live a harmonious New Year.


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New year means new desires, new wills and new dreams. It’s time to think about the previous year and set a set of goals for the New Year.

If you are looking for a new job, a new opportunity or even greater financial stability, follow our spells for the year’s end. But it’s important to be aware that you need to be calm, because the results have no effect immediately.

Check out and start the New Year in the best way!

Medo e insegurança quanto ao seu futuro?

Questione os seus pensamentos negativos e perceba a origem dos mesmos.

Tenha as respostas que necessita com a ajuda de uma vidência Angelical personalizada!

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Spells for the Year’s end

Spell to have a job

Finding the right job isn’t always easy and sometimes it can be quite exhausting. To help you, we share the following spell with you.

What you’ll need:

⦁ lotus incense;
⦁ paper;
⦁ 1 blue candle;

How to make it:

For three days in a row, say a prayer before go to sleep, to find a new job or change your current job. On the last day, light a candle and burn the incense. When everything burns, wrap the waste in paper and save it in the wardrobe.

Spell to achieve professional success

What you’ll need:

⦁ 1 jar;
⦁ 3 fireflies;

How to make it:

In a jar, pick up and attach three fireflies. Close the jar with a net and place it in a bush or next to a leafy tree. It’s important that you keep watching, keeping positive thoughts about it. When you feel confident, release the fireflies in a garden.

Spell to improve your business

What you’ll need:

⦁ honey;
⦁ manioc flour;
⦁ 1 cup;

How to make it:

Mix honey and manioc flour in a small bowl. It should be left with a mixture that crumbles easily. Take this mixture and spread it throughout your business establishment or office.

Do this ritual on a Friday and let it perform during the weekend. The following Monday, wash the places where you put the mixture and pray 7 Our Fathers and 7 Hail Mary.

New Year’s rituals: prosperity and well-being

Spell to have money

If you want to attract more money in this coming year, the best way is to stick to the traditional spell made with pomegranate seeds. How to make it? Nothing easier!

What you will need:

⦁ 1 pomegranate;
⦁ aluminum foil;

How to make it:

On the night of December 31, eat a pomegranate after supper, save seven seeds and wrap them in aluminum foil. Keep the package in your wallet , so that you always carry it with you. This will prevent you from running out of money throughout the year. The following year, repeat the spell and put the old package in the trash, so you never run out of money.

Spell to increase earnings

What you’ll need:

⦁ 3 white candles;
⦁ 1 dish;
⦁ water;
⦁ sugar;

How to make it:

This spell should be done for three days in a row to start having results.

First, use three white candles on a small plate with some sugar water. The candles are intended to honor the angels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael.

Address requests to these three entities, but place the candle plate higher than your own level of vision. At the end of the three days, write on a piece of paper: “Thank you for the grace you have achieved”. Then throw it away and use the dish after it has been washed.

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Sara Gonçalves

Comunicadora por natureza, tem três grandes paixões: as pessoas, a escrita e a música. Motivada pela ânsia de aprender sempre mais, é uma pessoa de desafios e acredita muito no lado bom da vida.